Friday, April 27, 2012

Loving Life in London!

HELLO! Okay so first off, i love the London Centre. BYU is so cool for owning this place. Although i am across the world from my house, the London Centre feels rather home-y! It is gorgeous. And by the end of my stay here i will have buns of steel from going up 3+ flights of stairs every time i want to go to my bedroom, as well as a permanent goose egg on my head from hitting it every time i sit up in my bunk bed. The professors are great and the cook makes delicious food! The group is so much fun too. I'm starting to get to know some people, and at least know everyone in the group by name. I can tell we're all going to be the best of friends pretty dang quick. 

Sooooo i've already done so much since i've been here that it feels like i have been here way longer than just three days! But that's what makes it so great right? Our professors have every day pretty jam packed with stuff to do. It's awesome. And when there isn't something scheduled, it's too hard to resist to not go out and explore. I'm glad i'm stayin here for a while because there is just so much i want to do, and see. and EAT. 

So yesterday we got up and had a little orientation and introduction to classes. What? Classes? Oh yeah.... i'm going to school here too! haha i kinda forgot that part, and was totally overwhelmed after hearing our professors spiels about their classes. But its all good! I've just come to accept the fact that sleep and I won't be good friends these next few months. So after classes we were off to St. Pauls Cathedral! It was AWESOME! First off all, its where "feed the birds" happens in Mary Poppins, and second of all, it was so beautiful inside and out! We climbed 528 stairs to the very tip top and whoa baby it was so cool! We also had a pretty sweet tour guide named Vivian who taught me so much about the cathedral i couldn't fit it all in my head.

Today we went to, drum roll please... the Tower of London!!! It was super neat. It is crazy how old that thing is! We also saw the crown jewels, can you say BLING? After seeing the tower our professors took us on a walk. We walked the perimeter of "Londinium" the old roman city. It was cool because there are still random chunks of the wall left even after all these hundreds of years! Our walk led us to the wonderful Museum of London which we got to explore for a while. I love love love learning about this place!

 St. Pauls Cathedral. So gorgeous!! 

 Mary Poppins Stairs. Sadly i didn't have any food to feed to the birds. 

528 stairs in a tiny enclosed space does straaaaaaange things to ya.

But the view from the top is SO worth it! 

 Tower of London. With my cous! 

Some groupies

 Saw one of these dudes for the first time! I guess i'm not as funny 
as i thought because he didn't laugh at me...

the Tower Bridge! 

So basically, I LOVE LONDON! I am so excited to wake up in the morning. And every morning. Cheers! 


  1. Wow Kate....I am envious, I think I should come visit you. Love you

  2. You should have told the guard your "Got any Gwapes?" joke...that would have set him off.

  3. Kate!!!!!! I love your blog!! I miss you already! Skype soon??

  4. OH! so cute!!! i agree with alec, the gwape joke definitely could have cracked a smile. Either that or the sheeeeeets joke :) love you!!!
